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How Run the Hawk Took Flight!

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

The Origin Story of Run The Hawk Trail Runs 3/6/12 Hour Challenge and Trail Mix Fun Run

Blackhawk Ski Club has been a go to spot for Rickey to run at due to its location, the fantastic MTB trail system and hills to run. One day while running, Rickey became immersed in the unique venue...the perfect mix of trails, the iconic ski jumps, the history, the otter den and boardwalks, and of course the challenge of the hills. "This would make a fantastic venue for a trail race" he thought.

Rickey decided to reach out to Blackhawk Ski Club in hopes they had a running event to participate in or one that we could help out with. A serendipitous conversation occurred between Rickey and BSC members, as they had been discussing opportunities to expand their summer programming. Blackhawk Ski Club asked if Driftless would be interested in helping expand trail running opportunities at BSC. After some brainstorming sessions, Run the Hawk Trail Runs was born.

Photos of Run the Hawk 2022

Blackhawk and Driftless continue to collaborate on how to enhance the event and add additional summer programming opportunities to get people, especially the youth, out on the trails running. We have loved partnering with Blackhawk Ski Club and are excited to see how this event and our partnership can grow!

For more information on becoming a member of Blackhawk Ski club, you can find details at their website here. All Blackhawk members receive a member discount for their Run the Hawk registration.

-Tree, Roots & Sprout


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